woman looking in mirror at acne

Acleara vs. Traditional Acne Treatments

Struggling with Acne? New Horizons offers Acleara as a Cutting-Edge Solution

If you struggle with mild to moderate acne, you’re not alone. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, acne affects approximately 80 percent of people aged 11-30, making it the most common skin condition in the United States. Some individuals may even continue to struggle with it into their 40s and older.

Acleara is a cutting-edge skincare solution that can help treat and manage a variety of different skin conditions, including acne. 

At New Horizons, we want you to achieve your healthy, glowing skin goals. Learn more about the benefits of Acleara and contact us when you're ready to take the next steps in your clear skin journey. 

How Does Acleara Differ from Traditional Acne Treatments?

There are a variety of different traditional ways to address acne, depending on type and severity. The most common options include:

Over-the-counter solutions: OTC acne products containing active ingredients like benzoyl peroxide, adapalene, or sulfur are easy to find at any drugstore and can be effective for managing mild to moderate acne.

Prescription medications: When over-the-counter solutions aren’t effective enough, many acne sufferers seek help from a medical professional, who may prescribe antibiotics, retinoids, azelaic acid, or similar options. For some women, oral contraceptives can also help treat or eliminate acne.

Medical procedures: Medical professionals may also recommend and perform procedures like extractions or laser therapy to treat severe or very resistant acne.

Acleara therapy involves using a photopneumatic device that leverages a combination of intense pulsed light (IPL) and vacuum treatment to address acne. It not only treats existing breakouts but also helps clear pores of bacteria, oil, dead skin cells, and other materials that can cause or exacerbate future breakouts.

Although traditional treatments typically only address certain types of acne, Acleara is FDA-approved to treat all types of acne and all skin types.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Acleara?

Not sure whether Acleara is right for you? Here are a few criteria that might indicate it’s something to look into:

  • You haven’t achieved the results you’d like with traditional treatments.
  • You’re looking for a treatment that produces the best possible aesthetic results.
  • You have persistent acne on your back, chest, or any other area that can be difficult to reach or treat using other methods.
  • You like the idea of a gentle and non-invasive but effective approach to treating acne.

Acleara is also a good fit for those who are looking for quick results, as most patients experience visible improvement within their first few sessions. Many who’ve achieved success with Acleara love the way their skin looks and feels healthier, fresher, and more vital overall after treatment, as well.

What to Expect from Your Acleara Treatment?

When you show up for your appointment, your skin specialist will first discuss any unique concerns or expectations you may have. Then, treatment will begin—a combination of vacuum and light therapy. You may feel mild discomfort or a sensation of warmth during treatment, but most patients find Acleara easy to handle.

Recovery from the procedure is quick, often requiring little to no downtime. Many people notice near-immediate improvements in their skin, while others do after a couple of treatments. The recommended number of sessions will depend on your unique needs, but follow-up appointments are important for all Acleara patients to help maintain the best results.

Are you ready to talk to a professional about whether Acleara is a good fit for you? Request an appointment with New Horizons Center for Cosmetic Surgery today.